Growing dogs eat a lot... especially when there's almost 50 of them running around the kennel! We appreciate your support in helping to keep the do...
The Team Dog sponsorship allows you to get to know the dogs in the middle of the pack! These dogs work just as hard, but often don't get quick as ...
The Kennel sponsor our Gold partnership package. You will have the high exposure for your business or brand in all written, video, and online cont...
The Puppy Dog sponsorship allows you to get personal with the FUTURE stars of CCK! These dogs are full of energy, cute as ever, and growing quickl...
The Swing Dog sponsorship allows you to get to know the most versatile dogs of the pack. With this package, you will have the good exposure for yo...
The Lead Dog sponsorship allows you to get personal with the stars of CCK! These dogs lead the way and have worked very hard to be in that positio...